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    ITALY 20 MIN


    • ABOUT

      Miah, a Bengali immigrant, decides to tell her wife about his hard life in Italy. Through a hidden camera, he starts filming his little shop. The “Sexy Shopping”.




      In 2004 published the novel “E tardi, cazzo”. From this novel he realised his first short “Vengo dal rock”. In 2008 he collaborated on the biographic documentary “Sergov” by Danilo Caracciolo and Roberto Montanari. In the same year he wrote and directed the shorts “Il bacio di Alice” and “Belli belli in modo assurdo” that was selected at Visioni Italiane festival in 2009. In 2009 he realised the documentary “La ricerca calpestata” and the short “Ramesh”, shot in India. His last work “Una vacanza da sogno”, a short realised with I-phone, was rewarded at Visioni Italiane festival in 2013.





      Born in Naples, 1979. He's an Arts of Music and Cinema of Bologna University graduate and he works in an indipendent production of cinema called ELENFANT FILM that produces short movies, documentaries and music videoclips. He's director, producer and actor and often he moves to Morelia, Mexico where he teaches and collaborates with some universities (UNLA, IMICH).



      • Obiettivi sul Lavoro (UCCA) in Roma, Italy 2014 — Special Jury Mention 
      • Biografilm Festival in Bologna, Italy 2014 
      • HollyShorts Film Festival in Los Angeles, USA 2014 
      • Festival documentaire du cinéma des peuples, New Caledonia 2014 
      • ASFF - Aesthetica Short Film Festival, United Kingdom 2014 
      • Camponogara, Italy 2014 — Best Short Documentary Award 
      • Cinemigrante, Argentina 2014 — Best Short Movie Award 
      • MiradasDoc, Spain 2014 
      • DocumentaMy, Italy 2014 — Audience Award 
      • Pune Short Film Festival, India 2015 
      • 15° Festival Internacional de Cine de Lebu, Chile 2015 
      • Festival de Cine Social de Concordia, Argentina 2015



      Short Competition 2015

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